Title: More than a plaque
As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. – Joshua 24:15
I’ve been in countless homes that have this verse displayed somewhere. And for the most part, those were great homes with terrific people.
But what does this mean? For Joshua, it means leading his family into a tremendous amount of uncertainty. All he had were the promises that God had given Moses and Abraham; he hung all that he had on those promises.
For Joshua, this wasn’t a nice catch-phrase that went on a beautiful plaque above his kitchen sink. It was what described his family.
Is that you and your household? Is it to that level of devotion? If so, how do you know you are doing it? Bring this up with your family and/or close friends. Get practical with the application of it, and don’t be afraid to make significant changes to align yourself with what God is leading you to do.
Real men are resolved to serve.