Title: Long-suffering
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us… – Hebrews 12:1c
What an example we have in Joseph and his story in the Old Testament. Talk about long-suffering. I don’t even comprehend what long-suffering looks like, not like what Joseph went through. Most of the troubles today pass reasonably quickly if you wait it out. But Joseph’s race was a long one. But he stayed the course and kept his faith. He knew God had a plan for him even though he was sold, taken to a foreign land, accused, and imprisoned, all happening throughout his life.
Like Joseph, we are called to rest in the assurance that God has a plan and purpose for us, even in the midst of prolonged or brief suffering. Our faith and patience, like Joseph’s, can see us through the darkest of times.
Real men show grit in troubled times.