Title: Questions of life
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. – Hebrews 12:1c
Have you ever been in a long race? There’s a point in a race when you begin asking yourself questions. “Why in the world did I do this” or, “Can I finish this thing?” It’s almost inevitable. The questions will come.
As the questions come, so do the mile markers; usually, a large flag with a number on it hung on the side of a pole. I like to use the mile markers to help battle the questions. While the numbers go by, I can think about how many times I’ve done this, and how many more miles I’ve run in training.
The race talked about in this verse is much more than a foot race. The questions in this race are of a much higher consequence. “Why does my brother have to live with mental illness?” “I can’t even make ends meet at home. How am I supposed to give?” “How am I going to apologize to my wife when I get home?”
And the markers are much more than signs on the road. God’s Word and close friends give us the encouragement we need to persevere through the questions of life.
Real Men know how to run the race.