Title: Never ending love
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this. – Psalm 37:5
How difficult is it to trust God? Trusting God is easy to talk about but for some reason, it sure can feel risky.
There are several instances in the Bible like this where there’s a: “If you do this, then God will do that” type of statement. I have to be careful because, for whatever reason, I want to equate God’s responses to my actions as Love. I end up hearing Psalm 37:5 like this: Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will love you by doing this.
But that’s not what it says. Don’t forget. God loves us. He loves us if we commit to him or not, however, if we commit to Him and trust Him, there are rewards.
If we don’t remember that God loves us if we think that God is waiting for us to commit to him first, then, of course, trusting God would be tough! But God loves us unconditionally! We can commit to him and trust him because His love won’t end.
Real Men Trust God.