Title: What next?
Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this… – Psalm 37:5
Our verse for today has a promise attached to it. If we commit our way to the Lord he’ll see that we are righteous (literally “in right relationship with God and others”) and have justice. These are fantastic promises, especially when life is tough.
And that’s when it’s the hardest to live this stuff. When things are tough. When it is hard to think clearly because there doesn’t seem to be a good information about what to do next. And it’s in these moments We can commit our way to him.
Which may mean you don’t know what to do. But if you commit your way, he will either show you or allow things to work themselves out. Which requires a tremendous amount of trust.
What is God asking you to trust him with? What commitment is he asking of you?
Real Men commit their way to the Lord.