Title: Are You Bad Company
Do not be misled: “Bad Company corrupts good character.” – 1 Corinthians 15:33
My son and I have this ongoing battle about keeping his room clean and having a place for things. The theory is that if you put things in their place, you will be able to find them. Good stewardship is part of good character.
As I looked around some areas of our home, I realized the flaw in my plan. I had allowed some chaos to creep in, and although I have some excellent excuses, I have been lousy company to my son in this particular case. How can I expect to develop his good character in this area when I am corrupting it (by example), even as I am attempting to build it?
It’s easy to read this verse and think about the outside influences on our character, but I believe God calls us first to “check ourselves.” Is your bad company corrupting the excellent character of someone God has entrusted you to care for?
Real men investigate their own character.