Title: The Crowd
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character”. – 1 Corinthians 15:33
There have been two things that I have witnessed in the character of a man: 1) the crowd and 2) the circumstances. For today, let’s focus on the crowd.
Whether it is at work, in our neighborhood, or even the church, the crowd often calls us to take a position or engage in a series of choices and actions that are inconsistent with what it means to be a man of God.
It’s okay to admit that it can be hard to go against the flow of the crowd. None of us want to be left on the outside. But that awkwardness and desire to belong must be tempered by our character.
Better to be alone with your character than to be in the crowd without character.
Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Are there gray areas, of course. But most men aren’t compromising in the gray areas. Our compromise is in the things we know are right and wrong.
God strengthens his character in me when we trust him with all areas of our lives, walk in obedience, and live devoted to being the man Jesus died for us to be.
Real men have character.