Title: Underestimate the power
Do not be misled; “Bad Company corrupts good character – 1 Corinthians 15:33
We were created as social beings. Don’t underestimate the power of others in your life. We may think we are an island, but we need each other in reality and are constantly influencing and being influenced. So it is essential to surround yourself with people who will help you develop good character. The first church knew this well and committed themselves to “the apostles’ teaching (studying), to fellowship (spending time together), breaking of bread (eating together), and prayer (worship).” With this kind of support structure, you can continuously be building a Godly character. And remember that character is not a set of ideals but is only seen through your actions. Integrity is the stuff you are made of, but we can only really see by watching your actions. Be mindful of what character you are displaying, and build a positive support structure and community to assist in your continuous character development.
Real Men: Surround themselves with men with good character