Title: Fuel for the Soul
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12
Do you remember the Mr. Fusion from Back to the Future? Doc didn’t have to use plutonium to fuel the time machine anymore. He could just throw in a half-empty beer can, a few banana peels and whamo! He’s off to the next adventure.
When I was younger, I treated my body like it was a Mr. Fusion and tried to get by on whatever I wanted to eat. I would eat doughnuts for breakfast, a candy bar and soda for lunch and fast food for dinner. After a while, I was carrying around extra pounds and I just didn’t feel good. I was also setting myself up for health problems and possible injury.
What about our souls? Do we treat them the same way? There sure are a lot of different ways we can allow our souls to consume junk. But we don’t have to. Just like our bodies, we can take care of our souls. God’s Word is the soul fuel we need. It gets into every part of who we are and helps us avoid health problems and injury. Thirst is quenched and hunger is truly satisfied.
Real Men are satisfied by God’s Word.