Title: Don’t leave yourself stranded
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12
Don’t leave yourself stranded! Right now, I’m waiting to board a plane. I’m leaving Boston and heading back home to the northwest. Man, am I tired. My sleep schedule is off, I haven’t seen my wife and kids for a week, and I can’t wait to give each of them a hug
As the plane is pulling up to the jetway, I wonder; what happens if the fuel for the plane doesn’t get all the way to the engines? What happens if they forget to fuel up? (I know! Wonderful pre-flight thoughts, right!!??) We will go nowhere. And I will have to wait even longer to see my family.
The truths in the Bible are like fuel. They give us energy like gas in a car, like sleep after a long day, and like food to replenish nutrients in our bodies. They give us the energy we need to care for others, get to the next destination, and have a readiness for whatever comes our way.
Don’t leave yourself stranded! Take some time to fuel up. Focus on God’s word. You might even be surprised how far it will take you.
Real Men rely on God’s Word.