Title: Reflect on this week
Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse. – Proverbs 2:12
Palm Sunday – Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Monday – Jesus sees shady practices in the Temple and cleanses it.
Tuesday – Jesus is confronted by the Temple leadership for what he did the day before.
Spy Wednesday- as it was called the day Judas conspired to hand Jesus over. Mary of Bethany anoints him, and Jesus rebukes Judas.
Maundy Thursday- marks the beginning of the sacred Triduum. Jesus instructs the disciples on how to prepare this holy meal. the last supper, then the betrayal by Judas.
Good Friday- the back and forth between Pilot and Herod, condemned by temple leadership and crowed pressure to this horrible crucifixion.
Holy Saturday- the body of Jesus is in the tomb; his soul is among the dead to announce his kingdom. The disciples heartbroken they have forgotten his promise.
Easter Sunday- Mary went to the tomb with others, the tomb had been open, and the body of Jesus was gone. The appearance with Mary, Jesus walks with two disciples to Emmaus. That evening appears to the Apostles in a locked room.
Additional reading for the week – Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 42:1-4, Isaiah 49:1-4, Matthew 26:14-16, John 13:12-16, Isaiah 53:1-5, Romans 6:3-11, John 20:1-9
Real Men will reflect and remember.