Title: Stop Praying?
Pray continually. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Stop praying. Wait, what’d he say? Francis Chan’s words in “Crazy Love” got my attention. Francis’ contention was that we had lost the “awe factor” in our prayer life. He reflects on Revelation 4, and Isaiah 6 describes God’s appearance and the setting of His throne. He then talks about the staleness of that dinner time prayer. That was the same prayer every time for his family growing up.How can we do that?
How do we let staleness enter into our time with the Lord, knowing full well who He is. When Christ died on the cross, and we received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, no longer was there a need to seek someone else to enter His presence on your behalf. Read his description in Revelation 4. See how Isaiah was ruined by being in his presence in Chapter 6, and let these chapters purge the staleness from your prayers. Approach His throne today with passion, joy, and boldness.
Real men reject a stale prayer life.