Title: Straining to Hear Him
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; – Psalm 46:10a
We may watch too much TV at home. As the evening winds down, my daughter begins her nighttime routine and heads for the bathroom at the top of the stairs. Sometimes, she leaves the bathroom fan on with the door open. I don’t notice until the commercials are over, and I can barely hear the TV over the noisy bathroom fan. Sometimes, I don’t see how much I’m straining to listen to the TV until she returns and turns it off.
I wonder if it’s like that with God. Maybe we have so many things going on in our lives that we don’t even notice how much we are straining to hear Him.
Here’s a challenge for all of us: Find 30 minutes and be still. No TV (tough for me, but I can do it!), computers, phones, and people. Just you and God. Ask him, “What do you want to tell me today?” and see what comes of it. Share what happens with your Real Man Card pals.
Real Men are still and listen to God.