Title: Stand up
“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take a stand against the devil’s schemes” Ephesians 6:11
God has called us as men to stand up. He’s given us everything we need. He has taught us what is right in His word. Previously in this letter to the Ephesians, Paul was giving instructions for living. He said to “live a life worthy of the calling…” to “be humble and patient” to “walk in the way of love…” to “submit yourselves to one another.” Now after instructing all that and more (read Ephesians), go, stand up, and live in such a way that you shine the love of Christ in all you do. And out in that world filled with darkness, you will have to stand firm. The road may get tough and steep, but stand firm. He has given you all you need to live as He has called you to live, and to love as He loved. You need his armor, his shield, his words, his way, to live like Christ in this world.
Real Men: Live like Christ