Title: Give Fear the Finger
“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor” Psalm 82:3
I was never a fan of Dikembe Mutombo, but I did appreciate that he never backed down. From anyone! The memory I will always have of him is a guy who refused to back down. Charging players would try to dunk on him and watching him rise to defend his basket, turning away the most determined players. However, that is not where it stopped. After rejecting those who dared enter his territory, he would grab the ball and give the opposing player a finger wag to say, “Nope! Not in my house!”As men of the cross, we ought to have much this same mindset. In the face of an aggressive enemy desiring only to continue to beat down, discourage, and destroy the weak, orphaned, and poor, we are called to stand up. Stare down, defend, and give the finger to the enemy to protect the “least of these.”
Real Men: reject the enemy by defending the powerless.