Title: He waits
For the battle is not yours, but God’s, 2 Chronicles 20:15c
In the Spiritual battle, he waits for us to let our guard down, he waits for pride to set in, and he expects our flesh to desire the wrong things. These are battle tactics that Satan repeatedly uses, not very original but effective if we are not careful.
In Luke 4, we read how he tempted Christ with the (1) desire of the flesh, (2) Pride of life, and (3) spiritual pride, but we know the outcome. Jesus used the Word/Sword to defeat Satan, and we can do the same thing: let God’s word fight the battle.
One verse we must not overlook is Luke 4:13. This verse tells us that even though Satan was defeated, he would keep trying and waiting for a better time. We must be on point at all times, knowing he is relentless and won’t give up.
James 4:7: ” Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
Real men battle with God’s word