Title: Share about Him
“Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. Matthew 10:32
What does it look like to acknowledge Christ before others? When your team does good, you like to tell people about it. If you see a good movie, you say to your friends to see it, too. If you find a good restaurant, you want to go back with others. Jesus loves you and died for you…don’t you think that’s a good thing to share with others?
It’s that simple. Jesus has changed my life. I know He loves me and wants the best for me. I want people to know. It’s not something that needs to be defended or debated. It’s a statement of faith.“Jesus loves me. He loves you, too. I want you to know that.” You don’t need to say anymore. If that’s true for you, you can’t help but tell people about it.
Real men share their faith.