Title: Act of the will
Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. – Romans 12:1b
Worshipping God should not be relegated to Sunday mornings only. It is an everyday, every moment, intentional act of will. It is loving God enough to live your life every moment the way He would want you to.
This means doing what’s right when the opportunity to do wrong presents itself. It means taking every thought captive to Christ. It means serving and loving others when you’ve got stuff to do. It means putting yourself aside and doing His will.
We have a tendency to consume or take life in for our pleasure. God’s plan for us is the exact opposite. We need to sacrifice our own day to day pleasures and give our lives to living out His plans. His will be done. At home, at work, and everywhere in between.
Does worship seem like a Sunday only activity for you? Do you spend your free time consuming or serving? What can you do today to “lay down your life for your friends?”
Real Men Worship Daily.