Title: A pattern of rest
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28
What might a pattern of resting look like? It could be a practice of taking a retreat to refresh oneself spiritually. Going to the desert or a mountaintop is temporarily or permanently unnecessary to find spiritual refreshment. Jesus said if we would but come to Him—for living water or for rest, we would find it in abundance. We can create that place of rest in prayer, Bible study, meditation, or worship, anywhere we can retreat from the cares and busyness of life. When we turn over those cares to God in prayer through Christ, His peace will guard our hearts and minds.
If you can retreat to a serene spot in nature—great! If that’s not possible, retreat with Jesus wherever you can. He will meet you there.
Real Men Find Spiritual Refreshment.