Title: Valuable lesson
For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. – Matthew 23:12
This verse reminds me of a Little League all-star game I saw in the ’80s. A good friend of mine was having a pretty good at-bat against a tough pitcher. The count was in his favor, and he could make solid contact with the ball on the next pitch. His hands were in just the right spot. His eyes watched the baseball to the bat, and you could tell he knew he got a hold of it. He could hardly contain his excitement as he pointed upwards. My friend was getting into his home run trot about halfway to first base when we all saw the ball hit about eight inches below the top of the home run fence. He accelerated around first base and reached second about a split second too late. He had been thrown out. It was a very humbling event for my friend and those watching.
If he had just hustled down to first, he would have easily had a stand-up double. He learned a valuable lesson that day.
Real Men stay humble.