Title: Clean my lips
Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy. Psalm 99:5
When I read this verse, I can only think of one thing…Isaiah. In Isaiah 6, the Lord gifts Isaiah with a vision. In his view, Isaiah gives this fantastic picture of being in the presence of the Lord. He describes the temple setting and angels within the temple. Isaiah goes on to say that the angels were calling out to one another “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, The whole earth is full of his glory.” This vision “ruined” Isaiah, and he felt totally unworthy to be in the presence of the Lord. In response to that, one of the angels touched a burning coal to Isaiah’s lips and told him his sins are forgiven.
This vision, in many ways, “ruins” me. How can I a man of uncleanliness approach the throne of God, and worship at his footstool? The answer was given to us in the person of Jesus. Through Him, I can approach his throne, a man washed by His blood, and worship. Thank you, Jesus! Isaiah’s story doesn’t end with this vision. Please read the rest of Isaiah 6 and see his response. Today, may your exaltation lead you to divine participation.
Real men welcome the opportunity to approach His throne.