Title: Acknowledge and Share
Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. – Matthew 10:32
This verse is an excerpt where Jesus gives his disciples a sobering set of instructions as he sends them out for ministry. He paints a picture of a world where some will accept Him and others will resist and reject Him. Sound familiar? The type of world Jesus described to his disciples doesn’t sound all that different from what we see today.
Challenge number one: Acknowledge Christ! This isn’t easy. Have you ever been in a situation where you could feel the Holy Spirit prodding? And you smack the steering wheel as you drive away thinking, “I should have said something!”
Challenge number two: Share the Gospel so others have the chance to acknowledge Christ. This isn’t an easy task. Are you willing to be rejected?
Are you up for the challenge? Take a moment to pray for the opportunity to acknowledge and share; and for the faith and courage to follow through.
Real Men Acknowledge and Share.