Title: The Right Relationship
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. – Matthew 6:33
Righteousness: to be in the right relationship with God and others.
This definition certainly isn’t exhaustive when we consider the meaning of righteousness…but it is an excellent place to start.
You and I are to be in the right relationship with God and others. That is to be a top-shelf priority in our lives. Building our wealth, paying the mortgage/rent, making sure we have enough to eat…are to be second place priorities in our lives.
It is a rare man who does that, though. We let the tyranny of “urgent matters” displace our this sort of living.
Is there anything hindering your relationship with God? Is there any matter unresolved with another person?
If you are to seek his righteousness, these matters need to be addressed.
Real men seek the righteousness of God first.