Title: I’m just working for the man
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters… – Colossians 3:23
“I’m just working for the man.” Have you heard that phrase when talking to people at work or with friends? I know I have, and I have said this phrase more than once in my life. This verse kicks this phrase square in the teeth and says, “No!”
This verse comes on the heels of verses about putting on a new self, marriage matters, and, directly before this, slavery. Today, are you trying to change something about yourself? Do it as for the Lord. Are you trying to love a wife who is not too lovable today? Do it as for the Lord. Are your kids making poor choices that are crushing you? Love them, as for the Lord. Are you struggling in a particularly hard job, or have you been in a bad season? Work as for the Lord.
As for the Lord. Be his conduit to influence, build, and invest in His kingdom. As for the Lord!
Real men live as for the Lord.