Title: Pretty Good feeling
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. – Romans 12:10
Have you ever been in a setting where someone you admired introduced you to someone you didn’t know? In a way that was incredibly honoring to who you are and the things, you have accomplished?
A pretty good feeling, isn’t it?
That’s the challenge we get from Romans 12:10. We are to be that person for someone else. In front of others, we are to honor them in a way that affirms the good work God is doing in them.
Who can you do that for over the next few days? Are there neighbors you could introduce? How about someone at church tomorrow? Anyone at work on Monday you could honor?
When we choose to honor others in a public way, we are seen as safe, affirming, and an asset in others’ lives. Choose to be that kind of person.
Real men honor others.