Title: Walls are one thing
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up. – Ephesians 4:29
When I was 12, we remodeled our house. Before the contractor came, my dad and I moved a bunch of furniture and tore down a wall. My dad gave me a big crowbar and told me to take a swing. I had so much fun demolishing that wall. There was a certain level of satisfaction in bringing that wall down.
Walls are one thing. People are something completely different. Contrary to sayings, we may have learned growing up; words are all we need to tear people down. It’s not so much about the words being used, but how we use them.
Have you torn down someone lately? Commit to stop and come up with a plan for building them up. Talk to a MAN CARD friend and ask them to help support you in your efforts.
Real Men build others up.