Title: The real thing
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up. – Ephesians 4:29a
What do you think it means to build someone up in an authentic way?
Authentic means the real thing, not a cheap copy or knock-off. Probably worth a lot too. I remember buying a pair of Oakley sunglasses in Tijuana, Mexico for 12 bucks. Were they authentic? Probably not. Ok, definitely not. You would probably have to add a zero to the price I paid for my sunglasses in order to buy an authentic pair of Oakley’s.
In order to build someone up authentically, it has to be real. You have to mean it, and it’s probably going to have a significant price attached to it. You might have to sacrifice your time, your creativity, or your energy.
Who do you know that needs to be built up today? Take a little time, some energy and creativity, and build them up.
Real men build others up.