Title: Speak Up!
“Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today.” Hebrews 3:13a
This verse is a call to action. How many times do we think something kind or complementary about someone but fail to speak it? I think this is one of our failings as men. We are comparative by nature and as soon as we notice someone else do something well, we have an immediate comparison with ourselves. We wish we had that talent. We wish we were good at everything. But as we become real men of God, we can relax knowing that we were each fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and uniquely gifted by Him. Our value is not diminished by another man’s success. Despite our tendency, there is actually no slight or knock on us to notice and speak an encouragement to someone else. In fact, it actually raises your value to others who like being around someone who is positive and encouraging. So when you notice it, do the manly thing and speak the encouraging word. Begin to look for it and notice how people respond when you encourage them. It’s a wonderful gift you can give to others. What are you waiting for? Speak up, and tell someone that you notice they are really good at something, or that they impact you in a positive way, and inspire you to be a better man. Follow the words of this Scripture and I guarantee you (and others) will be blessed by the outcome!
Real Men: Speak encouraging words