Title: Haughty Eyes
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. – Proverbs 16:18
One of the things God detests is “haughty eyes” (Prov. 16:16). Haughty eyes are arrogant eyes that think they can accomplish anything in their own power. Haughty eyes believe they are better than everyone else. Haughty eyes are full of themselves. God hates haughty eyes.
Those are strong words, but they’re right there in the Bible – God HATES HAUGHTY EYES because they are the kinds of eyes that say, “I don’t need God or anyone else to help me in this life; all I need is me and my own strength.”
What kind of eyes do you have? How would people describe you? Are you the kind of guy who can handle life on your own? Are you full of pride and arrogance? Or are you the kind of guy who depends upon God for everything, including your next breath?
Real Men Avoid Haughty Eyes.