Title: Don’t take the quick payoff
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. – Proverbs 16:18
I listen to a lot of sports talk radio. Probably too much. A discussion that comes up regularly starts with a question like this, “If you were a star athlete, would you take less money to have a chance at a championship with a better team?
Most guys admire the athletes who take less money, but most talk show guys admit that it would be tough to pass up the big payday.
I think the guy willing to take less understands that money is temporary and doesn’t last. But the name engraved on a championship trophy will last a very long time.
The same can be said for humility and pride. Pride goes for the money, the quick payoff, and then expects long-term success to follow. Humility takes the pay cut and makes the sacrifice to lift up the people around them. Humility has eternity in mind.
Real men are humble.