Title: It’s not about you
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. – Proverbs 16:18
One of the first things we need to see and understand is that it is not about you! The world does not revolve around you! Pride makes us only think of ourselves and our wants and desires. By nature we are prideful individuals, but the Gospel challenges all of that and we are simply called to die.
One of the first priorities of the Gospel, and the hardest, is death to self. But when we truly die to ourselves and live for Jesus and live out his desires for life than we truly are surrendered and start the journey of moving away from pride and running straight to Jesus.
Where in your life are you only thinking for yourself? Where do you still need to die? Pray that you would be consumed with Jesus and who he is, not your self.
Real men are surrendered.