Title: Staying Humble
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. – Proverbs 16:18
One of my favorite basketball players over the past fifteen years has to be Brandon Roy. I was impressed with him when he was at Washington, but I was hooked when he came to Portland. He wasn’t much of a dunker, but he had this incredible knack for finishing around the rim. The way I remember, he was almost impossible to stop, even though everyone in the Rose Garden knew he was going to drive to the left! He was simply amazing to watch.
I read in the newspaper that he had a post-it note in his locker. It read “Stay Humble.” I always thought that if I had his skill level and made game winning shots like he did, I would have a very difficult time staying humble.
I’m guessing that Brandon Roy knew the principle behind this verse. He knew that if he got too prideful, or too high, he would have no other place to go but down.
Real Men Stay Humble