Title:Headfirst right into a light pole!
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. – Proverbs 3:5
As seniors in high school, me and a few friends were walking briskly down a busy street. We were on our way to see a movie and we were cutting our time close. One of the guys got something in his eye and grabbed the nearest shoulder. “I got something in my eye!” He said. “Just keep walking!”
With his head down he wiped his eyes with one hand and kept the other on his friends shoulder for guidance. He trusted his friend to get him to the movie theater.
He went headfirst right into a light pole! We all laughed, but the trusted friend turned out not to be a very good guide.
We are fortunate to have a God that we can trust through the many different situations we find ourselves in. Even when we have our eyes wide open! Take a moment to vocalize to Him this morning. Say it out loud. “Lord I trust you today. I will follow your lead.”
Real men Trust the Lord