Title: Gut level honesty
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” James 5:16
Let’s start with recognizing that we men have a tough time with this. The kind of honesty and vulnerability it takes to confess ones struggles, failures, and sins takes a level of relationship that we may not have available to us. Maybe we haven’t even been able to confess them to ourselves and to the Lord yet. That’s where it needs to begin. Start simple. Practice gut level honesty an openness with God, knowing that he loves us more than we can imagine. Then as you build some solid relationships with other Christian men, which takes time, then you will be able to have some honest conversations and pray for one another. It takes time and intentional friendship, but it’s worth it! In that confession and prayer for one another, God gives us a special blessing of encouragement and healing for our hearts. It’s a powerful salve for the soul.
Real Men: Open up and confess