Title: Intimacy with Jesus
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. – John 8:32
Are you looking for freedom? Freedom from addiction? Maybe a sin in your life that you can’t make any sense of it? It’s crazy the things that we can get hooked on. They damage our very ability to relate to the people around us. Intimacy is lost, and life becomes a lonely place.
When most people read this verse, they ask, “What is the truth that I need to know to set me free?” Then they come up with a great list of truths like; Jesus loves me, He died for me, and Jesus is God. The problem we run up against is merely knowing these truths don’t set anyone free from much of anything.
But what if the wrong question is being asked? What if the question isn’t “What” but “Who is the truth I need to know that will set me free?” In John 14, Jesus even tells us that He IS the Truth!
You don’t get anywhere by just knowing about Jesus. Knowing Jesus…intimacy with Jesus will give you the security and confidence to rebuild relationships and climb out of the trap. Knowing the truth will set you free.
Real men know Who the truth is.