Title: Quiet Strength
“The Lord is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one” Psalm 28:8
It’s easy to think about our physical strength as men but so easily forget that our quiet strength matters more. Last year, two men I knew each battled and lost to cancer. But, even while their physical strength failed, their quiet strength was something to behold. Dan and his wife fulfilled as many “bucket list” things as possible, never letting fear stop them. And Steve gave glory to God during his entire battle. He led his family, never wavering in his faith or accepting less from anyone else.
We hope never to face the battle these men did, but there are always battles to be fought. We will face times when it is more difficult to do what feels like nothing, but it means everything to our wife, son, daughter, or friend. Sometimes the most vital thing you can do is listen, encourage, and love when you want to “fix.” For example, imagine a dad listening to his daughter’s broken heart. He would love nothing more than to “fix” it but is powerless to do so. He can encourage his daughter by reminding her of who she is and what tremendous value she holds. Very often, reminding those God has given us to love of their tremendous worth is the strongest thing we can do.
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