Title: Lighten the weight of life
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. – Deuteronomy 6:5
Maybe you’ve been here? I can still picture it vividly in my mind…the day I decided that I could get just one more. Here I was in an empty gym, nobody in sight. I was working out on the bench press with a set of weight I was a little uncomfortable with but had done before. I brought it off the bar and gone through a couple of presses, it was getting heavy, but was still okay. I can even recall that fateful moment when I thought, I can do one more. Nope!!! That bar was going no further than laying on my chest, I was gassed! I had one choice, roll it over my ribs, over my stomach, hip bones, and you can imagine where else to get this off me. It hurt, but I survived.
Loving God is sometimes like this. He asks us to sit at the bench press of life and love Him with all we have. You will experience times when you have pushed until the end and have nothing left to do but roll off the burdens and grit out survival. But guess what? In loving Him like this, we grow stronger. The weight of this life begins to lighten as we love Him more and more, and exercise that love to His delight.
Real men love God with all their strength.