Title: Good Character Takes Guts
Till I die, I will not deny my Integrity – Job 27:5b
What’s more important, who you are or what you do? All around us, people are far more concerned with what they do. It doesn’t matter how you do it; get it done. Maybe you find yourself in this situation daily; you struggle with choosing to live with character and Integrity in everything you do.
It’s easy to choose to shortcut our way through life. After all, no one sees what I am doing! In one sense, this is true; others don’t know what you are doing, but you are accountable to God at the end of the day. Choosing to live your life with character takes guts; how you live your life matters.
Do you live your life with Integrity? Where do you lack Integrity? How can you choose to live your life with Integrity?
Real Men have Integrity.