Title: It doesn’t feel good
Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12b
There are so many ways to set an example, but as I write this note, I remember a time early in my career when I was not a good example with my words. I had an issue at work with a vendor that was not completing the work that we agreed to on time, and it frustrated me to no end. So I sent a really harsh email, and I copied my regional boss on it thinking he would see I was tough and I was handling the situation. I hit send and waited for a pat on the back from my boss.
Oh boy, what I got back from my boss was not a pat on the back; he sent the email I had sent addressed back to me, and he used my name in it. OUCH! At the bottom, he wrote, ” It doesn’t feel good, right? A little compassion and understanding will go a long way.” I have never forgotten that, and to this day, I double-check the words that I use.
Real men double-check their words.