Title: Seek Him and seek others
Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12b
Being a REAL man is not easy. Men of God are held to a high standard. We are responsible for making sure we seek God ourselves and THEN setting an example for those around us. Listen, if you aren’t moving towards establishing a conscious example for the people God has placed around you, you are NOT doing what God has asked.
Here’s what you do: Set a goal to seek out someone, one person, to sit down with once a week and pour out what you are learning from the word. Throughout the week, seek to learn something to share. It doesn’t have to be profound or earth-shattering, but seek and ask Him what you should be learning, THEN teach that to someone else.
Real Men Seek to Teach Others.