Title: Words and actions did not add up
Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12b
“How do you think that impacts your son?” These are the words I spoke to a man who was convicted of abusing his wife. He had just finished bashing this woman, calling her all sorts of nasty names while retelling the story of the events that lead him to the seat across from me. Mind you, in that same breath; he had just finished telling me what an amazing dad he was and how his ex-wife had no right to keep his son from him because he was an “amazing dad.” His words and actions did not add up to his beliefs about who he was. How about you?
Are you living up to what the Lord has called you to be? Certainly, the gold standard is Christ, and there is not a one of us who will ever match His life. But truthfully, do your words and actions add up? Can you be called a man of God on the one hand, but hiding the truth of who you are on the other? God has called you to lead and lead by example, with words and actions that align with His word. Do it! Set aside the sin that is snaring you! Others are watching you and being impacted by things you do and say because of where God has placed you.
Real Men lead by example.