Title: An opportunity to serve people
Set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12b
Part of my job is sales. When I first started, I wasn’t perfect. I thought I was a burden to the people I was selling to and just being bothersome. We do have some of the best products in the industry, and I finally figured out that I was doing them a disservice by not showing my customers all the ways I could help them out. I was hired to help them out, not just talk them into stuff.
Looking at this verse, it sure seems like a daunting task — there’s a whole lot to live up too. I wouldn’t want to be a bother and lay all that pressure on people. Go figure, huh?
This isn’t about a task, though. It’s an opportunity to serve people and help them make wise choices and avoid mistakes. Be an example to those who look to you for that purpose. God put you in their lives for that very reason.
Real Men are examples.