“Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them. – Jonah 2:8
When God pursues us, we can feel loved and valued. But if we haven’t surrendered, God’s pursuit can feel downright miserable.
This prayer comes from a man who ran from God. He knew what God asked of him and decided to go in another direction. But God pursued and Jonah found himself swallowed by a fish. Talk about miserable! As Jonah prayed, he began to realize that surrender was his only option.
When we think of idols, we usually think about our stuff or maybe a person. Jonah’s idol was his own idea of who should be deserving of God’s grace. An idol can be anything we might value more than God. Anything.
Take a moment to think about your life. Is there anything you are giving a higher value than God? If you ask him, he might even tell you.
Real Men know surrender is the only option.