Sat // Build :: Encouragement
Milo Curtis
Milo and his family currently live in North Carolina, where he is a staff Chaplain for MAG-14 at Cherry Point, NC. As a staff chaplain, he is responsible for the spiritual well-being of over 1200 marines and their families. He does this by participating in training events, deploying with the squadrons he covers, providing a constant presence of support and working with the command in facilitating general care and response in the face of family/unit emergencies.
Milo and Bethany have been in full-time ministry since 1999, and have enjoyed a wide variety of experiences and opportunities. In 2003, God brought Andrew into their lives, and in 2005 Olivia was the fourth addition to the family. Milo has stated repeatedly that God’s greatest tool in shaping his theology, philosophy of life and walk with Christ has been his family. Woodworking, riding his motorcycle, movies, camping, and time with his family are some of his favorite things to enjoy.